Fashion Workroom Courses – Coming Soon!
Our aim is to start our courses in 2022. Due to the current rapid spread of the Omicron strain of Covid-19, we will be monitoring to see the impact and restrictions that are going to be implemented.
Learn the essentials of Block Development with our – Block Development 1 Course
This is a beginners’ block development course for pattern-maker/sewers, who would like to develop personal blocks for themselves or for clients from an individual measurement chart.
You learn how to measure accurately, understand ease, calculate an individual measurement chart and develop alterations needed to adjust the basic block to produce a personal block.
Learn the essentials of Block Development with our – Block Development 2 Course
This course takes the personal block produced in Block Development 1, produce a basic toile-1st fitting , assess the fit on a live model, make fitting assessment and adjustments to the toile then alter block patterns.
A second toile is then produced to assess fit and any changes made.. This process is repeated until a very good personal fit is achieved. Pattern is then produced into the Final Personal Block and ready for use for patternmaking styles.
Learn the essentials of pattern making with our Patternmaking 1 – Fundamentals Course
This is a beginners’ pattern making course for any one wanting to learn patternmaking from scratch. Whether you did patternmaking a long time ago or have never touched a pattern this course is for you.
Learn the basics of patternmaking which are the building blocks of any design. Once you understand the basics you can create a patterns for an array of designs.
All you need is the desire to learn or relearn this skill.
Learn the essentials of Draping with our Draping 1 – Basics Course
This class will take you through the full draping process and understanding the tools and materials you need to begin draping a garment.
You will learn how to choose the appropriate fabrics for a draped garment…where to find them and what to look for. How to pin and mark a muslin pattern on your dress form to create your initial design.
How to take a muslin shape from the mannequin balance the patterns add seam allowance and produce your 1st draft pattern and 1st pinned sample.
Need Private Tutorial Sessions?
In need of one on one tutorial or small group sessions?
Are you doing a course and are struggling to keep up?
Are you struggling to understand some of the technical skills needed to complete your project?
Let us know what it is you need assistance with an we will provide tuition to get back on track.